Alassio, the deputy mayor registered with the Anpi and FdI: “I don’t see any incompatibility” –

Alassio, the deputy mayor registered with the Anpi and FdI: "I don't see any incompatibility" -


Candidate for the municipal elections in mid-May in Alassio, Galtieri has just joined Giorgia Meloni’s party but has had a partisan card since the 1990s: against me only an artful polemic

Outgoing deputy mayor and councilor for tourism of the Municipality of Alassio (Savona), candidate in the next local elections on 14 and 15 May in support of a mayor supported by the totality of the centre-right, Angelo Galtieri who has been a member of the Anpi (National Association of Partisans of the Italy) but in recent days he has also signed up for FdI. Born in 1961, hotelier, in the council since 2011 and in the junta since 2018, he declares himself anti-communist and anti-fascist and says he does not see any incompatibility between the two affiliations.

Why does he have the Anpi card?

I joined in years of strong political opposition, during the Berlusconi-Bossi government, when there was discussion of amending the Constitution. Here in Alassio the president of the local section convinced me and I accepted almost as a provocation, because at the Anpi there were those who accused me of being a fascist.


No, as I’m not a communist. I am against any form of totalitarianism. Even those enrolled in the Anpi must be.

Why does he have an FdI card?

Because a modern, moderate party has nothing to do with the fascist and nostalgic past. I identified with it. In my youth I played for the DC, then for the UCD, more recently I joined Cambiamo!, now I like what Giorgia Meloni does.

Don’t FdI and Anpi represent opposite values ​​and worlds?

I have read the statutes and not so. They are both inspired by principles of democracy and freedom. Registration with the Anpi (expired in 2022, ed) and FdI are reconcilable. This story has been brought up now, an artful polemic, only to get me into trouble close to the election.

Have you received any complaints or halts?

No. However, if they reach this point, if someone opposes reasons of opportunity on what to do between Anpi and FdI, I will make my assessments and decide.

March 15, 2023 (change March 15, 2023 | 14:56)


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